In this blog, I will generally talk about how to use proper tools to monitor SSL traffics of a mobile devices. Currently, I only can dealing with those SSL traffics which use an obviously certification. Some applications may not using system root cert or they doesn’t provide us a method to modify their own certs. For these situation, I still didn’t find a good solutions for it. But I’ll keep updating this if I get one.
My current solution is using AP to forward all SSL traffic to a proxy, charles proxy is my first choice (Prof asked). It’s a non-free software which still update new versions now. So mainly, I’ll talk about how to charles SSL proxy.
- Monitor device situation: Linux Machine with wireless adapter
- Download the newest version(4.0.1) of charles
- Target android devices with root privilege
Install Charles and Configuration
- You have to install charles first. After downloading the charles proxy, you have to unzip it and configure some basic settings.
# open charles first
- Save charles’ private key and public key
In Help -> SSL Proxying -> Export Charles Root Certificate and Private Key, enter a password and save the public and private key in *.p12 format.
You also need to save charles Root Certificate, it also contains in the same menu. For convience, save it as *.pem format.
- Set Proxy and SSL Proxy
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