Tag: Kubelet

  • How do we know if Kubelet leaks Inotify watchers

    How do we know if Kubelet leaks Inotify watchers

    Kubelet as the node agent of Kubernetes OSS, always needs to monitor paths. Using Inotify to do so, Kubelet exposes to possibility of leaking of Inotify watchers. In recent, I observed a case where the Kubelet was hung for enormous Inotify usage. This Post briefly discussed how I debug the process and locate the problem.…

  • Practical debugging methods for Kubelet

    Practical debugging methods for Kubelet

    Kubelet, a vital component in Kubernetes, runs on each node in your cluster. It acts as the field manager, receiving instructions from the Kubernetes API server and ensuring containerized applications run smoothly. Kubelet is responsible for downloading container images, pulling secrets, and launching pods – the basic units containing your application containers. It also monitors…